ROSS has manufactured industrial mixing, blending, drying and dispersion equipment since 1842. Standard and custom designs are available to meet the varied processing requirements of our customers. We design and build our mixers and blenders in company owned plants in the United States, China and India. All of our plants are all fully equipped with advanced engineering and manufacturing tools. In the USA alone, we operate five plants and maintain an 8000 sq. ft. Test & Development Center.
Our mixers and blenders are used throughout the process industries for the production of food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, adhesives & sealants, battery slurries, electronic pastes, ceramics, metal blends, inks, coatings, cosmetics & personal care products, plastics, composites, specialty chemicals and many other applications.
ROSS High Speed Dispersers and High Viscosity Dispersers are true heavy-duty Design mixers built for consistent, highly repeatable production of chemicals, plastics, coatings, inks, paints, adhesives, composites, food products, beverages, and a variety of other applications.
ROSS High Shear Mixers have revolutionized mixing technology and processing efficiency in a variety of industries, including pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic, ink, adhesives, chemicals, and coatings.
The ROSS Double Planetary Mixer, introduced in the early 1940s, quickly became a standard workhorse for high viscosity mixing throughout the process industries. ROSS pioneered a series of design and engineering advancements over the decades, expanding the capabilities of the original Double Planetary Mixer to meet the world's ever-changing needs.
The introduction of High Viscosity Blades raised the maximum viscosity range to around 6-8 million cP. A number of applications that previously required horizontal sigma blade kneaders are now mixed in ROSS Double Planetary Mixers offering better cleanability, smaller footprint and lower capital cost.
ROSS Tumble Blenders deliver highly accurate and repeatable mixing of powders, granules, pellets and other solid forms. Widely used throughout the pharmaceutical industry, Tumble Blenders intimately mix minor additives and trace active ingredients into excipients. In composites and additive manufacturing, these blenders are utilized for the processing of resins, ceramic materials, and high-density formulations such as powdered metals and alloys. Many other applications are mixed in Tumble Blenders – from food, beverage and cosmetic blends, to agricultural products, pigments, battery powders and various other chemicals.
Vertical Blenders are an excellent low-impact mixing solution for shear- or heat-sensitive materials, abrasive solids, and large processing volumes where plant floor space is limited. These blenders are also well-proven for controlled drying and efficient solvent recovery.
The ROSS Vertical Blender provides slow and gentle agitation in a wide range of applications -- from slurries, wet cakes and pastes, to granules, pellets and powders. This blender can heat, cool, or dry materials under vacuum. It can also coat solid particles with small amounts of liquid.
A Vertical Blender consists of a cone-shaped vessel and a screw auger agitator that rotates while orbiting around the vessel’s perimeter. The auger gently lifts batch material upward as it turns on its axis while the orbital arm slowly moves it around the vessel. Materials in the upper most level gradually cascade back down into the region opposite the moving screw. Because of the geometry of the cone, a Ross Vertical Blender can operate efficiently with batches as small as 10% of the maximum working capacity, and allows for complete discharge of the blended material.
ROSS Ribbon Blenders, Paddle Blenders and Cylindrical Blender/Dryers meet the toughest standards for quality and long-term performance. Known worldwide for heavy-duty robust construction, high quality materials and fine craftsmanship, these blenders are available in a variety of customizable configurations ranging from laboratory sizes to 1000 cubic feet. We pay close attention to every detail in design and fabrication, a commitment that translates to higher production value for the end user.
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